MARION COUNTYYour Workforce Goals Are Our Business
Our OhioMeansJobs – Marion County Center partners with a number of employment and training resources to ensure that we meet our goal of linking the right person to the right job at the right time. Whether you are an employer looking for your next great employee or a person looking for your first, next, or better job….we are here to help.
ASSISTANCENeed help getting back on your feet?
Our emergency assistance program called PRC (Prevention, Retention and Contingency) is intended to help families manage unexpected expenses (like a car repair or uniforms) so that they can get and keep a job. PRC can also help with some housing, transportation and other types of emergency situations.
PORTALChild Support is Key
Financial and emotional support of children whose parents live apart is vital to their success. Our role as the Child Support Enforcement Agency for Marion County is to work with parents, employers, the courts and other helping organizations to ensure that parents responsibly provide for the needs of their children. We can help initiate an order for support, change an existing order, or explore other options to help parents meet their legal obligation.
SERVICES PORTALBenefits at your fingertips
We are a click away! Ohio’s online eligibility system allows consumers to see if they might be eligible for public assistance benefits, submit an application, check the application status, and report changes which may impact their case. Ohio‘s consumer portal is being enhanced to bring together additional support programs across state agencies with the goal of making it easier for customers access the services they need when they need them most.
AVAILABLE 24/7Forms & Drop Boxes Available 24/7
Documents for all programs can be placed in the agency drop box, which is located within the vestibule of the main entrance at 363 West Fairground Street. There is also a separate drop box for overpayments. These are available 24/7 and checked by staff daily. The paper application for cash, food, and medical assistance (7200) as well as paper applications for the Prevention, Retention & Contingency (PRC) program and other programs are located within the vestibule of the main entrance at 363 West Fairground Street.
Forms can be accessed through the Marion County JFS Form Center click below to access the full form center or you can search for specific forms below.
Forms can be dropped off or mailed to:
Marion County Job & Family Services
363 W. Fairground St., Marion, OH 43302;
emailed to MarionCounty@jfs.ohio.gov ;
or faxed to (740) 387-2175.
We have a lot to offer!
Job & Family Services (JFS) of Marion County serves as the community’s gateway to services and benefits which assist people live healthy and self-sustaining lives. At JFS, we foster communication and cooperation within our agency and with other area partners to establish an effective network of resources for people in need. Whether the need be employment, child care, training, food, medical care, or temporary financial assistance…we are here to help. Learn more About Us.